Forestry business urged to fix unsafe bridge near Bauple


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Fraser Coast Regional Council is urging HQPlantations to fix a bridge in the Tiaro State Forest as the road it is on provides a key link between Bauple and nearby coastal towns.

CEO Ken Diehm said the Golden Gate Bridge on Tahiti Road near Tallegalla Weir was built by the then Department of Forestry in the mid-1970’s to service State Forests in the Tuan area.

“While it is a private bridge on a forestry road owned by HQPlantations and is designed to service the HQPlantations forests, it is also used by many local residents to travel to Maryborough as well as to coastal communities like Poona,” he said.

“Due to the bridge being unsafe, Council agreed to a 2017 request from HQPlantations for the bridge to be closed with concrete barriers installed to stop vehicles using it.”

Mr Diehm said Council was concerned that people had been bringing in tractors to remove safety barriers blocking the bridge.

“Council is seeking to prosecute these people who have recklessly put the lives of others in danger and have passed on photographic evidence to the police,” he said.

“The safety barriers are there to keep people safe and removing them is selfish behaviour that puts at risk those who inadvertently use the bridge later.

“While I understand HQ Plantations may have no operational requirements for the bridge, they do have a corporate responsibility to support the communities living alongside the forests they manage.

“Councillor Phil Truscott and I will be seeking a meeting with HQPlantations to obtain a commitment to rebuild the bridge and restore the access that the Bauple community have enjoyed for decades.”