Every year, bushfires put the lives and properties of Queenslanders at risk. You don’t have to live in the bush to be threatened by bushfire, just close enough to be affected by burning material, embers and smoke. The Fraser Coast can be very dry in the summer months and all residents have a part to play in bushfire mitigation.
Bushfire seasons can vary significantly from year to year, depending on the fuel loads, long-term climate and short-term weather conditions in each area.
Residents are likely to be at a heightened risk of bushfire if:
- Your local area has a bushfire history;
- Your property is located within a few kilometres of bushland;
- You have trees and shrubs within 20 metres of your house; and,
- Your home is built on a slope.
What should I do to prepare for bushfires?
- Create your Bushfire Survival Plan
- Keep grass cut and vegetation clear of the property.
- Don’t dump garden rubbish in neighbouring reserves or bush areas.
- Move flammable items away from the house, e.g. woodpiles, boxes, hanging baskets, garden furniture.
- Keep access ways to the property clear for fire trucks.
- When warnings are given, act immediately on the instructions provided. Do not wait. Leave when advised, even if it feels safe where you are at the time. Take your household emergency kit with you. Go in the direction advised for your location.
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