Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPIs)

A Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) is a statutory instrument created under the provisions of the Planning Act 2016.

A TLPI may suspend or otherwise affect the operation of another planning instrument e.g. Fraser Coast Planning Scheme 2014 (the Planning Scheme) for a period of up to two years after the effective date.


  • does not amend or repeal the planning instrument;
  • does not create a superseded planning scheme; and
  • is not an adverse planning change under the Planning Act 2016.

Generally, a TLPI is an interim response that:

  • is put in place quickly to set out planning and development assessment policies to protect all or part of a local government area from adverse impacts in urgent or emergent circumstances;
  • prevails over the Planning Scheme to the extent of any inconsistency;
  • enables shaping of longer-term planning provisions while it is effect (an amendment to the Planning Scheme follows a statutory process that can take more than 18 months or longer);
  • is effective for up to two years; and
  • can be repealed by Fraser Coast Regional Council.
Proposed TLPI – For Information Purposes only
TLPI 01/24 – Flood Hazard Area

At Council’s Ordinary meeting on 24 July 2024, Council has decided to make TLPI 01/24 – Flood Hazard Area and submitted the proposed TLPI to the Minister for consideration and approval. TLPI 01/24 – Flood Hazard Area is for information purposes only and does not have any statutory effect, until the Minister has approved it and Council formally adopt the TLPI.

Click on the link below to view the TLPI information on Council's Engagement Hub:

TLPI 01/24 - Flood Hazard Area
Current TLPIs in effect
Previous TLPIs no longer in effect
Contact us

If you have questions about the TLPIs, contact Council’s Strategy and Sustainability by emailing planning.scheme@frasercoast.qld.gov.au or call 1300 79 49 29.

Planning Scheme, Policies and Infrastructure Charges