Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPIs)

A Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) is a statutory instrument created under the provisions of the Planning Act 2016.

A TLPI may suspend or otherwise affect the operation of another planning instrument e.g. Fraser Coast Planning Scheme 2014 (the Planning Scheme) for a period of up to two years after the effective date.


  • does not amend or repeal the planning instrument;
  • does not create a superseded planning scheme; and
  • is not an adverse planning change under the Planning Act 2016.

Generally, a TLPI is an interim response that:

  • is put in place quickly to set out planning and development assessment policies to protect all or part of a local government area from adverse impacts in urgent or emergent circumstances;
  • prevails over the Planning Scheme to the extent of any inconsistency;
  • enables shaping of longer-term planning provisions while it is effect (an amendment to the Planning Scheme follows a statutory process that can take more than 18 months or longer);
  • is effective for up to two years; and
  • can be repealed by Fraser Coast Regional Council.
Proposed TLPI – For Information Purposes only
Current TLPIs in effect
TLPI 01/24 - Flood Hazard Area

On 26 February 2025, Council officially adopted TLPI 01/24 - Flood Hazard Area after receiving the Minister's approval.

The TLPI 01/24 – Flood Hazard Area will be in effect from 7 March 2025 to 7 March 2027.

Click the link below to view the TLPI information on the Council's webpage.

TLPI 01/24 - Flood Hazard Area

Previous TLPIs no longer in effect
Contact us

If you have questions about the TLPIs, contact Council’s Strategy and Sustainability by emailing planning.scheme@frasercoast.qld.gov.au or call 1300 79 49 29.

Planning Scheme, Policies and Infrastructure Charges