Targeted kerbside disaster waste collection registration open until Friday 21 March, call 1300 79 49 29 to register. Free disaster waste disposal available at Nikenbah Transfer Station until Sunday 23 March.

Street performance/busking

All street performance artists operating within the Fraser Coast region require an approval from Council.


Standard approval

Artists who do not hold their own personal public liability insurance and/or do not wish to use any dangerous materials or implements in their performance and only intend to use Council designated performance sites should apply for standard approval.

Street Performance Operational Guidelines and Code of Conduct - standard approval 

Special approval

Should artists wish to use their own public liability insurance and/or have any high-risk element in their show and/or intend to use performance sites other than those designated by Council, they must apply for special approval. 

Street Performance Operational Guidelines and Code of Conduct - special approval 

Street performers under 18 years of age must have their application form signed by their parent/guardian to indicate consent. Additionally, if the applicant is less than 16 years of age, Council requires the parent/guardian to provide supervision during the street performance.

Council has identified performance locations and times in Maryborough, Hervey Bay and Tiaro.

Area Location Days Times
City Hall Green  Maryborough Every day except Thursday market day* 9am to 5pm
Corner Bazaar and Kent Streets  Maryborough 7 days 9am to 5pm
Corner Richmond and Kent Streets (near Mary Poppins Statue)  Maryborough 7 days 9am to 5pm
Customs Residence courtyard  Maryborough By negotiation
Contact Council on 1300 79 49 29 at least 48 hours before each planned performance to seek approval for desired day/time.
Gatakers Artspace courtyard  Maryborough By negotiation
Contact Council on 1300 79 49 29 at least 48 hours before each planned performance to seek approval for desired day/time.
Queens Park and Parklands  Maryborough

7 days excluding the last Sunday of every month (Sunday in the Park)*

9am to 5pm
"The Hub" on Kent (between Adelaide and Bazaar Streets)  Maryborough 7 days 9am to 5pm
Cultural Centre forecourt (near Whale Statue)  Pialba, Hervey Bay

By negotiation
Contact Council on 1300 79 49 29 at least 48 hours before each planned performance to seek approval for desired day/time - 7 days.

Scarness Park (between the Jetty and Caravan Park)  Scarness, Hervey Bay 7 days (approved Sundays in the Park event held by Hervey Bay Arts Council on various weeks – artists should give consideration to this when operating in this area) 9am to 5pm
Scarness Precinct (as defined on the map)  Scarness, Hervey Bay 7 days 9am to 5pm
Bill Fraser Park  Torquay, Hervey Bay 7 days 9am to 5pm
Ernie Organ Park  Torquay, Hervey Bay 7 days 9am to 5pm
Torquay Paved Area (outside Aquavue)  Torquay, Hervey Bay 7 days excluding the second, fourth and fifth Saturday of the month (Torquay markets)* 9am to 5pm
Torquay Precinct (as defined on the map)  Torquay, Hervey Bay 7 days 9am to 5pm
Pier Park  Urangan, Hervey Bay 7 days excluding the first and third Saturday of each month. (Pier Park Markets)* 9am - 5pm
Urangan Precinct (as defined on the map)  Urangan, Hervey Bay 7 days 9am to 5pm
Mayne Street (as defined on the map)  Tiaro 7 days 9am to 5pm
Tiaro Memorial Park  Mayne St, Tiaro 7 days 9am to 5pm
Tom and Minnie Park  Howard 7 days excluding the first Saturday of each month. (Howard Markets)* 9am to 5pm
William Street (as defined on the map) Howard 7 days 9am to 5pm

*Please contact the Market operators should you wish to perform on nominated market days.

Areas are not available during regional and community events and private bookings, and may require confirmation of availability prior to performance.

Submit your application by:

  • Post - Chief Executive Officer, Fraser Coast Regional Council, PO Box 1943, Hervey Bay QLD 4655
  • Email -
  • Visit one of Council's Customer Service Centres at
    • Maryborough – 211-213 Adelaide Street Maryborough
    • Hervey Bay – 77 Tavistock Street, Torquay

Contact us

For further information, please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 1300 79 49 29 or email

Approvals and Licences