Making a submission

A submission is a written comment about a development application made by any interested member of the community (for example, person, group or organisation).

A submission may object to all or part of the application, and/or support all or part of the application.

When stating the grounds of a submission and the facts and circumstances relied on, it is important to focus on planning issues. Planning issues include matters such as:

  • whether the proposed use is consistent with the intent for the area as expressed in the planning scheme;
  • whether the scale and design of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development;
  • how the development addresses the street and interfaces with adjoining properties;
  • any potential traffic and car parking issues associated with the development;
  • hours of operation (for commercial activities); or
  • how the development may impact on drainage patterns in the area.
  • Commenting on an application requires a basic understanding of the nature and extent of the proposed development. All development applications received by Council can be viewed online through PD Online -Application enquiry.

    Alternatively, you can visit a Customer Service Centre to view or purchase copies of an application.

  • During the public notification period of an Impact Assessable Development Application, any person may make a submission about the proposed development.

    Please note that not all applications are required to be publicly notified and properly made submissions can only be received for impact assessable applications. In order for a submission to be considered ‘properly made’, it must:

    1. be signed by each person who made the submission; and
    2. be received:
      • for a submission about an instrument under section 18, a State planning instrument, or a designation – on or before the last day for making the submission; or
      • otherwise - during the period fixed under this Act for making the submission.
    3. states the name and residential or business address of all submission-makers;
    4. states its grounds, and the facts and circumstances relied on to support the grounds;
    5. states one (1) postal or electronic address for service relating to the submission for all submission-makers; and
    6. is made to:
      • for a submission under chapter two (2) – the person to whom the submission is required to be made under that chapter;
      • for a submission about a development application – the assessment manager; or
      • for a submission about a change application – the responsible entity

    Submissions can be forwarded to Fraser Coast Regional Council by one of the following means:

    Attn: Chief Executive Officer
    Fraser Coast Regional Council
    PO Box 1943 
    Hervey Bay QLD 4655 

    Email: (the submitter must still state their residential or business address for the submission to be ‘property made’)

    In-person at Councils Customer Service Centres:

    • Hervey Bay - 77 Tavistock Street, Torquay OR
    • Maryborough - 211-213 Adelaide Street, Maryborough
  • Submissions are not confidential and will be published on Council’s website (PD Online – Property, Application and Land Use Information) in full. Every effort will be made to redact personal details; however, this may not always occur.

    Under the provisions of the Planning Act 2016, Council must notify the applicant of all properly made submissions when a decision is made about their application, and the name and address of each properly made submitter is listed in the decision notice.

    If you wish to withdraw your submission for any reason, please provide written notice to Council prior to the application being decided.

  • A copy of the decision notice relating to the development application will be available to each submitter.

    Should you require a hard or an electronic copy of the decision notice, a copy of the decision notice will be provided as soon as practicable after a request is made to the Council.  You may request a copy from one of Council’s customer service counters or by phoning 1300 79 49 29 or email

    Submitters who make a properly made submission on an impact assessable application have third party appeal rights. This means that submitters are able to make an appeal to the Planning and Environment Court against Council's decision on the application. Alternatively, submitters can become a co-respondent in an appeal by an applicant against Council. The appeal must be lodged within a period of 20 business days after the day the decision notice is deemed to have been delivered to you.  An extract of the Planning Act appeal rights provisions can be located here.

Contact us

Contact Council's Development and Planning Department on 1300 79 49 29 for further assistance.

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