Right to Information

‘Council is committed to provide access to information held by the government, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.  Right to Information reforms aim to make information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community and provide appropriate protection for individual’s privacy’.

Right to Information (RTI) Act

Under the Right to Information Act 2009, residents have a statutory right to access information held by government unless, on balance, release of the information would be contrary to the public interest.

The Right to Information Act 2009 replaces the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

Information Privacy Act

The Information Privacy Act 2009 provides safeguards for the handling of personal information held in public sector environment and provides a mechanism for people to access and amend their personal information.

The Information Privacy Act Chapter 3 replaces the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

If any of your personal information held by Council is either inaccurate, incomplete, out of date, or misleading you can advise us of the error.  We can update most records administratively, however in some cases you may need to ask for a formal amendment using section 41 of the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). 

How to make an application for access under RTI or IP

An application for access to documents under the RTI or IP Acts must:

  • be made on the approved form;
  • provide sufficient information concerning the document/s requested
  • payment of RTI fee of $55.75 must be paid at the time of application
  • returned to a Council Customer Service Centre or posted to PO Box 1943, Hervey Bay,  Qld, 4655 or emailed to enquiry@frasercoast.qld.gov.au
  • processing charges are $8.65 per 15 minutes or part of 15 minutes if Council spends more than 5 hours processing the application
  • access charge is $0.25 per black / white A4 page

RTI and IP Application Form  

Publication Scheme

All agencies are required to publish a Publications Scheme that explains the information that the public can access.

This scheme sets out classes of information and the terms on which Council will make this information available.

Disclosure log

Council’s Disclosure Log provides documents released under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) where they do not contain the applicant's personal information, or are otherwise unsuitable for publication according to legislation.

Documents can be downloaded by clicking the reference number link. Where a document is not available electronically, please contact Council’s Governance team on 1300 79 49 29 or by email enquiry@frasercoast.qld.gov.au to request copies.

Date of Decision

Reference Number

No. of pages

Information Requested

20 June 2024 RTI2023/24-030 11

Minutes of Traffic Advisory Committee meeting held on 7/08/2019.

3 May 2024 RTI2023/24-029 23

Documents related to environmental activities at multiple properties in Maryborough.

19 April 2024 RTI2023/24-027 104

Documents relating to contamination, notifiable activities within land described as Lot 2 on M20335, 612 Alice Street, Maryborough.

27 March 2024 RTI2023/24-025 1

Documents related to assets at the Glenwood Community Centre.

27 September 2023 RTI2023/24-012 16

Documents related to the fire hydrant located at the Hervey Bay Golf Club.


17 May 2023 RTI2022/23-044 75

Documents related to development at Gatakers landing, Lot 177 MCH5264, Including:

  • Environmental assessments, reports or communication addressing environmental or wildlife implications.
  • Communications relating to Development Applications.
  • All Development Approvals issued by Fraser Coast Regional Council (or the previous Council).
  • A copy of the proponent submission received by Council in 2021, and all communication relating to that submission.
  • Any communications with the relevant State Government Department responsible for administering the Land Act 1994 related to environmental factors.
  • Any plans and/or approvals regarding allotted or permitted car parking.
16 December 2022 2022/23-026 211

Documents related to the Esplanade Master Plan including:

•             Bitzios Consulting Parking and Traffic Advice

•             Bitzios Consulting Parking Strategy for the Active Travel Corridor

•             Emails containing additional information regarding Bitzios Consulting Parking Strategy for the Active Travel Corridor

•             Bull + Bear Economics Hervey Bay Esplanade Economic Assessment

•             Internal Stakeholder Technical Review

6 October 2022

2022/23-009 115

Correspondence between the Tiaro Community Working Group, Fraser Coast Regional Council, and the Department of Transport and Main Roads regarding the Tiaro bypass.

28 September 2022 2022/23-010 35

All correspondence related to the changes from motion 12.6 as recorded in the Notices of Motion to the motion 12.6 presented at Council meeting 27 July 2022.


21 March 2022 2021/22-016 15

Information related to the Council report ‘RV Opportunities in Bauple’.

15 December 2021 2021/22-011 2

Letter of exemption from the Minister for Local Government regarding the lease of 351 Charlton Esplanade, Scarness.


23 March 2021 2020/21-019 35

Grant applications related to the Pialba Youth Precinct.


5 November 2019 2019/20-011 63

Documents relating to the lease agreement between Council and the

Maryborough Caledonian Society in relation to the Scottish Community Hall at the Maryborough Airport.

21 August 2019 2019/20-002
Part 1
Part 2

Information regarding the planning process for the off-street carpark in the current Pialba Youth Precinct development.


14 December 2018 2018/19-014 67

Conceptual Stormwater Investigation – East Street Howard Stormwater Mitigation (ESQ2017) Report.

5 September 2018 2018/19-003 187 Information about the Lease Agreement with TS Krait/ Fraser Coast Regional Council Asset.


30 August 2017 2017/18-009 12

Documents relating to the Bauple Recreation Grounds lease.

27 July 2017 2017/18-003 325 Documents relating to works at Shellcot Street, Toogoom.


16 June 2017 2016/17-044 24

Documents relating to roadworks Arborten Road, Glenwood.

23 June 2017 2016/17-040 109

Documents between HBCC and James Hardie relating to asbestos cement pipes.


21 April 2016 2015/16-019 2

Documents relating to complaints against Cr Chris Loft.

14 April 2016 2015/16-018 40

Documents detailing monthly figures timber production at a property on Kinghorn Road, Granville.

1 December 2015 2015/16-008 20

Various emails between Cr Everard and Cr Loft.

26 November 2015

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

593 Documents relating to the planning and decision-making process for the Hervey Bay Golf Club.


10 November 2014 2014/15-012 105

Conditions of Approval - Subdivision - Green Waters Estate Dundowran Beach.

25 August 2014 2014/15-009 46

Decision to remove trees from front of Hervey Bay Cultural Centre.


10 January 2014 2013/14-015 153

Kingfisher Parade Toogoom Sea Wall.

10 January 2014 2013/14-014 43

Lease arrangements for Tiaro Medical Centre.

11 December 2013 2013/14-013 190

Lease arrangements for the Bauple Men's Shed and Bauple and District Recreation Ground Committee.

11 December 2013 2013/14-012 95

Complaints about the RV site at Bauple.


Contact us

For further information, please contact Council's Right to Information Officer on 1300 79 49 29.

