Accreditation for Residential Services

Building Compliance Notice

Under the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002, persons providing a Residential Service (a service provider) must obtain registration with the Queensland Government through the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (the Department) prior to the commencement of this activity.

An application for registration of a Residential Service lodged with the Department must be accompanied by a Building Compliance Notice issued by Council for the premises within the proceeding twelve-month period. A Building Compliance Notice is a notice issued by Council stating that the premises complies with the prescribed building requirements, as outlined under the Residential Services (Accreditation) Regulation 2018; namely, compliance with Queensland Development Code MP 5.7 – ‘Residential Services Building Standard’.

Within three months of registering a Residential Service, an application for accreditation with the Department will also need to be lodged. 

To apply for a Building Compliance Notice, please complete the Building Compliance Notice Application Form and pay the applicable fees.
