Wildlife and Livestock

  • Council will not respond to or become involved with incidents of wandering livestock on State-controlled roads in the Fraser Coast Local Government Area (LGA).

    Responsibility for wandering livestock on State-controlled roads on the Fraser Coast lies with the person(s) who own(s) or has care and control of the stock, and with the relevant State government agencies.

    The Federal and State Roads affected by this process include:

    • Bruce Highway
    • Maryborough - Biggenden Road
    • Boompa Road
    • Bauple - Woolooga Road
    • Cooloola Coast Road
    • Mungar Road
    • Maryborough - Hervey Bay Road
    • Torbanlea - Pialba Road
    • Burrum Heads Road
    • Pialba - Burrum Heads Road
    • Booral Road

    To report wandering livestock on a state road, contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads traffic report number on 131 940.

    For all other roads in the Frasr Coast area contact Customer Service on 1300 79 49 29.

  • Living with kangaroos and wallabies

    Kangaroos and wallabies are an important part of local wildlife and generally live harmoniously within our community.  At times (particularly around breeding season) these animals come into conflict with residents and there are recent instances of attacks by kangaroos or wallabies on residents of our region.

    Below are some tips on how negative interaction with these animals can be avoided

    It is important to know how you should behave around kangaroos and wallabies. The following information can help to make living near kangaroos and wallabies a safer and more fascinating experience.

    Enjoy your kangaroos or wallabies - but from a distance

    If you enter an area where kangaroos or wallabies live, give them as much space as possible. If you see one, stay away from it and watch how it behaves. If it moves toward you or shows signs of being aggressive, move away (even if it is only looking for food or human contact, a kangaroo or wallaby may still become aggressive). Don't act aggressively towards the kangaroo or wallaby, as this will simply reinforce the idea that you are a threat.

    Dangerous situations may also arise where kangaroos and wallabies move into backyards or onto private property to feed. These can be avoided by fencing and removing sources of food or water that are attracting them.

    Get to know your local mob

    By watching the animals that live near you, you can learn to identify individuals by their appearance (e.g. size, sex, notches on their ears) and even give them names. You will also start to work out the relationships between individuals (e.g. who the dominant male is) and be able to follow the birth and growth of each new generation of joeys.

    To feed or not to feed

    The simple answer here is: don't feed. Feeding brings kangaroos and wallabies into close contact with people, creating potentially dangerous situations. Exposing them to an artificial diet may also cause health problems and create unnatural concentrations of animals.

    And if a kangaroo or wallaby becomes aggressive

    If you are approached by an aggressive kangaroo or wallaby you should keep it at a safe distance so that it can't kick or scratch. For example, hold up a stick or branch, or stay behind a fence or a tree. Move away from the animal as quickly as you can. Turning your back on it and running could be dangerous as a large male can easily outrun you and still kick at the same time. Turn side-on and protect the front of your body with your arms and keep your head as far away from the animal as possible to minimise the risk of being scratched on the face.

    If it is a large male that has been displaying dominant behaviour, it may see you as a threat. Protect yourself and let the animal know you are not a threat by giving a short, deep cough, avoiding eye contact, and crouching down as you move away.

    Females and smaller male animals are less likely to be aggressive but may approach if they are used to being fed or have had a lot of human contacts. Even though females are much smaller than males, they can scratch and kick and could pose a safety risk - particularly to small children.

    As a last resort, if you can't escape an attacking kangaroo or wallaby, roll up into a ball on the ground with your arm covering your neck and call for help. Try to roll or crawl away to a safe place.

    For more information, head to the Department of Environment and Science Kangaroos and wallabies webpage.

  • Magpie season can run anywhere between June and December each year.

    As magpies are protected wildlife, Council is unable to relocate magpies from their natural habitats.

    Please contact Council on 1300 79 49 29 to report a swooping Magpie and provide relevant information about its location.

    For information on how to stay safe from a swooping magpie, please head to the Department of Environment and Science Australian magpies webpage.

  • Sick, injured, tangled or dead marine mammals including whales, dolphins, dugongs, seals, and sick, injured, tangled, or dead marine turtles contact 1300 130 372 - Department of Environment and Science (DES) – 24/7 hotline or email wildlife.operations@des.qld.gov.au

    Sick, injured, tangled, or dead marine animals including fish, sharks, sting rays phone DAF on 13 25 23 or email info@daf.qld.gov.au

  • ANARRA will assist with wildlife rescue enquiries and direct you to the relevant group; please call 07 5343 4859 for assistance. 

    RSPCA - phone 1300 ANIMAL

  • Council does not remove or deal with snakes.  Please refer to a local directory of snake catchers in Fraser Coast.

Animals and Pets