Fraser Coast Jobs Hub
Council has established the Fraser Coast Jobs Hub to help connect jobseekers with local businesses to hire new staff.
If you are a local job seeker, you can sign up to the online portal for free to local jobs, create an AirCV, and keep up to date with further training opportunities, job expos, and local employment trends.
Fraser Coast businesses can post job vacancies on the portal for free, providing an efficient and cost effective way to recruit new staff.
For jobseekers
Are you looking for your dream job?
Join now to:
* Find local jobs easily
* Receive local job alerts
*Create a resume
*Check out training options
and much more -
For employers
Find staff and talent within the Fraser Coast.
*Post a job at no cost
*Promote your business online
*Search the talent pool
*Access recruitment tools
and much more

Get Job Ready!
Jobs Ready Program
Under the Hervey Bay Jobs Ready Program, Council has developed the “Jobs Pathway Program” to upskill, build job readiness and provide intensive support to unemployed people aged 35 years and under.
Sign up for FREE job ready courses today!
JOBS READY - Jobs Pathway Program