Urban street naming, numbering and rural addressing

Urban street naming and numbering

Council has an adopted policy for the naming and numbering of new urban developments to ensure consistency in conventions used across the Fraser Coast region. The street naming policy also ensures that names selected, as far as is possible, act as reminders of local history, culture and citizens, and to ensure that interested parties (owners/developers) can have an input into any naming decisions.

The street naming factsheet provides additional information on preferred sources of names, and steps required by developers in submitting requests for approval including completing the street naming form and emailing to development@frasercoast.qld.gov.au or posting to PO Box 1943, Hervey Bay QLD 4655.

Urban streets are determined as being located within town/village boundaries or identified as Rural Residential (RRl minimum lot size 4000m2) or Rural Residential (RR2 minimum lot size 1 hectare/10000m2) within Council's mapping system.

An urban street number application form can also be emailed or submitted to Council, for property owners in urban areas who require a street number to be allocated and assigned to their land.

Rural addressing

Rural addressing is a distance based numbering system used for determining address numbers in rural and semi-rural areas.  It is based on the distance of the access point from the road number starting point.

For rural addressing requests, please submit an application for rural addressing street number and email to enquiry@frasercoast.qld.gov.au
