Local Heritage Register - Nomination


Council has received a nomination to enter the above mentioned place into the Local Heritage Register. The nomination has been formulated in accordance with provisions identified under the Act and also Council’s Policy Guidelines - Nomination for, Inclusion in, Removal From, or Alteration of the Fraser Coast Local Heritage Register

Notice is given under Part 11 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 that the Fraser Coast Regional Council proposes to enter the following place into the Local Heritage Register.  The reasons for the nominations are:

(Former) Maryborough Baby Clinic - It is proposed that the structure meets heritage significance criteria A, B, D, E, G and H of the Act.

Written submissions can be made to Council by any person or entity about the proposed entry of the places into the Local Heritage Register. 

The submission must be given to Council on or before 4.45pm on Tuesday 5th January 2021.

Submissions are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Fraser Coast Regional Council, PO Box 1943, Hervey Bay Qld 4655 and be sent via post or by email to heritage@frasercoast.qld.gov.au

Any person making a submission will be notified of Council’s decision in relation to the Local Heritage Register and their submission.

For more detailed information, click here.

View proposed placecard