More opportunities to connect with Councillors


Small communities 2

Fraser Coast residents will have more opportunities to connect with Councillors closer to where they live with two Council meetings to be held in smaller communities and monthly informal ‘meet and greets’ planned for right throughout the region this year.

Mayor George Seymour said the Fraser Coast region covered an area of 7125 square kilometres and Council was keen to ensure all of the region’s 100,000 plus residents got access to their elected representatives and the support they needed.

“Council is working hard to better engage and connect with all our residents, including those in our smaller communities,” he said.

“Hosting Council meetings in our small communities allows us to engage with residents and enhance accessibility and transparency of Council’s actions.

“In 2021, Council meetings will be held on 26 May at the North Aramara Hall and at the Boonooroo Community Hall on 22 September.

“Council is also establishing monthly informal community ‘meet and greets’ in every division throughout the Fraser Coast with the first event to be held at the Toogoom RSL on Friday 12 February from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

“These events are an opportunity for residents to come and have a chat with Councillors in a relaxed environment close to where they live.”

Council ordinary meetings will be held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, starting at 10am.

Meetings will be rotated between Hervey Bay and Maryborough, subject to COVID-19 restrictions.

Public Participation sessions will be conducted before the Ordinary Meeting and start at 9am.

Council’s 2021 meetings schedule also includes a night meeting in Hervey Bay on March 24. The meeting will start at 6pm with Public Participation starting at 5pm.

The list of Council meetings dates is available on the Council website.

All Council meetings are also livestreamed on Council’s YouTube channel.