Local artists urged to apply for development grants



Fraser Coast artists wanting to develop their skills and creativity are encouraged to apply for grants under the latest round of the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF).

Cr Phil Truscott said the RADF was a partnership between state and local government to invest in quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland based on locally determined priorities.

“RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers to support diversity and inclusivity; grow strong regions; and provide training, education and employment opportunities for Queensland artists and local communities,” he said.

“The grants ensure that Fraser Coast artists can not only access training to develop their skills, which ensures we have a vibrant arts community, but also to co-ordinate creative projects of their own. The community are in turn rewarded with high quality performances and artistic works.

“The Fraser Coast region has a lively arts and cultural scene and we are keen to see it develop with the support of programs like this.”

Applications for the latest round of RADF are open now and close on 31 May 2021.

More details, including application guidelines, are available here 

Recent projects funded include the Urangan Community Wellness Centre Artist in Residence, an acrylic workshop hosted by the Tiaro Creative Arts Group, a life drawing program, an environmental exhibition and the Wildflowering by Design project.