New loo for Boonooroo



Fraser Coast Regional Council is on the hunt for a location to build a new toilet block in Boonooroo.

“The existing toilet at Boonooroo Point has reached the end of its useable life and needs to be closed,” Cr Daniel Sanderson said.

“An independent assessment of the facility has indicated that the septic tank cannot be repaired and should be removed as soon as practicable due to public health and environmental risks.

“The system has overflowed on king tides which poses a danger to public health and the soil is unsuitable for the drainage trenches as it does not readily absorb water.

“The high water table means the trenches can fill with water - increasing the chance effluent can enter the environment.”

Cr Sanderson said an investigation into replacing the septic system with a modern on-site sewage treatment facility was undertaken but indicated the system would not meet current environmental guidelines.

“The facility is too close to the ocean and there is not enough space for an effluent disposal area to guarantee that the treated effluent would not end up in the ocean,” he said.

“Council is now investigating a new location for a replacement facility; whether that is a new facility or upgrading the other facility within Boonooroo to meet any extra demand.

“Council will also look at improving signage to point to the available public toilets.

“The nearest facilities to Boonooroo Point are the toilet block at the Boonooroo Sport and Recreation Ground in Eckert Road which is about 2km away.”

Cr Sanderson said the investigation into possible alternative locations for public toilets in Boonooroo and the estimated costs would be given priority by Council.

“I hope to see a report come to Council as quickly as possible,” he said.

At the same time Council will continue to seek grants to implement projects identified in the Coastal Hazard Adaption Strategy to combat erosion in Boonooroo.