K’gari (Fraser Island) waste strategy adopted


Eurong waste transfer station k gari waste management strategy 600x424 media release

Upgrading the Eurong Waste Transfer Station and improving facilities at Happy Valley and Orchid Beach are among the actions in a new 10-year waste strategy for K’gari (Fraser Island).

At its meeting this month (Wednesday July 27), Council adopted the K’gari (Fraser Island) Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy 2023-2029.

“The strategy aims to protect and conserve the world-heritage and cultural values of the island as well as guide the allocation of funds and the timing of projects to improve waste management and resource recovery on the island,” Cr Darren Everard said.

“Key actions include upgrading the Eurong Waste Transfer Station (WTS) to mitigate risk associated with legacy waste practices and increasing resource recovery opportunities for a wider range of waste streams including the introduction of co-mingle recycling bins.

“Eventually the current facilities at Happy Valley and Orchid Beach will be replaced with bin compounds.

The strategy was developed in partnership with key stakeholders including the Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services, the Butchulla community, island residents, tourism operators and visitors.

Information on the community engagement activities and findings can be found https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/kgari-waste-strategy

“Waste services on the island are a shared responsibility,” Cr Everard said.

“Services for residents in the villages are co-ordinated by Council while Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service looks after services for the thousands of tourists who flock to the island each year.”

You can view the Strategy on the Policies and Publications page of Council’s website www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/publications.

This project received grant funding from the Australian Government under the Australian Heritage Grants Program.