Grants to help protect region’s historic buildings


Heritage Grants Round Two

Grants up to $10,000 will be invested in projects to maintain the region’s heritage buildings under the latest round of the Fraser Coast Heritage and Character Incentives Scheme.

The scheme, adopted by the Fraser Coast Regional Council in 2020, encourages the conservation and enhancement of heritage value and streetscape character across the region.

“It is very important that we maintain the heritage values, buildings and streetscapes of the Fraser Coast,” Councillor David Lewis said.

“Our historical sites are a part of our heritage and help create a sense of place, a sense of belonging and give us the character that is the Fraser Coast.

“These grants ensure that we are proactive in saving and safeguarding these sites for future generations.”

The grant program works as a co-contribution scheme, where Council matches the applicant dollar for dollar up to a maximum of $10,000.

Grants approved under the 2022/23 round include $10,000 to restore and resurface the driveway at Brooklyn House in Howard to the original crushed sandstone material and $10,000 to upgrade the rear stairs, handrail, painting and replace window architraves and sills at the Hotel Francis which is now a medical centre.

Properties eligible for the grants are those on the Local Heritage Register, and commercial properties that are on both the Neighbourhood Character Overlay and either within the Principal Centre Zone (Maryborough), or the District Centre Zone (Howard).

“To date Council has contributed $147,756.29 towards projects that have a combined value of $379,113.46,” Cr Lewis said.

“This current round will facilitate projects worth $40,760.”