Grants to promote heritage conservation


A new Fraser Coast Regional Council incentive scheme has been launched offering grants of up to $10,000 for owners of heritage properties to conserve and enhance their properties and streetscapes.

“The Coast Heritage and Character Incentive Scheme applies to properties across the Fraser Coast, not just those in the Maryborough CBD,” Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said.

“It will also encourage larger, more significant works than our previous schemes.”

Owners will be able to apply for $1 from Council for every $2 they spend on a project, up to a maximum of $10,000 from Council.

The applications will be reviewed by Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee.

“The works covered by the scheme include conservation or restoration projects, painting, urgent remedial works, reversing unsympathetic alterations and preparing Conservation Management Plans to support development applications.

“We believe the program will give owners an incentive to undertake conservation works and will contribute towards revitalising our CBDs.

“Protecting a building from weathering is very important part of its conservation and also contributes positively and visibly to the streetscape.

“The Fraser Coast is steeped in history and we should do everything we can to preserve it.”

Applications can be lodged online through the Smartygrants portal on the Council webpage