Multi-million dollar revamp for Aubinville sewage plant


The next stage of a multi-million dollar project to rebuild the Aubinville Sewage Treatment Plant at Maryborough is underway.

Cr Paul Truscott said the revamp was about modernising the plant and improving its reliability, which would benefit both residents and the environment.

“The secondary settlement tanks have been in operation since the early 1970s and the plant started operating in the 1940’s,” Cr Truscott said.

“The latest $5.1 million project includes refurbishing the secondary settlement tanks, a new chemical dosing system, a new sludge loading conveyor and roadway improvements.

“A backup generator will be installed to ensure that the plant can continue operating if mains power is disrupted such as during floods, which have caused blackouts in the past.

“A new raw sewage pump station and inlet works will be constructed and include state of the art odour capture and treatment facilities.

“The improvements will allow the plant to be monitored and operated remotely if needed.”

The project also includes better lighting and CCTV equipment.

“In the next couple of years Council will invest an additional $15 million in refurbishing and expanding the functionality of the Aubinville plant which services Maryborough,” Cr Truscott said.

“Ultimately the work improves the quality of effluent and reduces odour as the aging equipment is replaced.

“The project is part of Council’s commitment to reduce our environmental footprint and to manage waste sustainably.

“It is anticipated that the current projects will be finished by the end of next year, weather permitting.”

All works included as part of this tender and the broader program of works must be undertaken while maintaining normal operation of the existing facility and continuing to meet the requirements of the Environmental Authority.