Sport and Recreation Capital Assistance Grants open now


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Fraser Coast sporting groups can now apply for Council grants of up to $10,000.

Cr Phil Truscott said Round One of the Fraser Coast Regional Council 2020/21 Sport and Recreation Capital Assistance Grants opened today (Monday 28 September 2020).

“Council has allocated $250,000 in the 2020/21 budget for the program as part our commitment to ensuring we have a safe, healthy and active community,” he said.

The grants help groups:

  • Build community skills, capacity and resilience
  • Develop and maintain community infrastructure
  • Provide opportunities for community to leverage Council’ s assistance to obtain funding from other sources
  • Provide opportunities for community organisations to assist Council to deliver on Councils strategic goals and identified key initiatives.

 “Grants are available under the categories of security, shade, water sustainability and canteens for projects that assist in the growth and engagement of sport or active recreation in the Fraser Coast region,” Cr Truscott said.

“In recognition of the fact that groups’ have had their fund raising efforts disrupted by COVID-19, Council will waive the requirement for them to provide a 20% cash contribution towards the project.

“Council’s Sport and Recreation Officer is also available to assist groups to develop and submit project applications. “

For more information go to

Applications close on 25 October 2020.