Russell Street footpath links students to Sunbury School


Russell St footpath upgrade

A 445m-long, 2.5m-wide concrete footpath to be built on the southern side of Russell Street, Maryborough from Kent Street to Walker Street will make it easier for students heading to and from the Sunbury State School.

The $448,393 project was identified in Council’s Active Travel Strategy and is partially funded under the Queensland Government Cycle Network Local Government Grants program.

The project will fill in a missing section of footpath and add safer pedestrian crossings.

“Russell Street connects to one of the three bridges that cross over the rail line through Maryborough so it is an important connection for pedestrians and vehicles,” Cr Paul Truscott said.

“It also links to the Sunbury State School so it is a major access point for primary school students.

“Three new coloured raised pedestrian crossings will be installed; one each at Ambrose White Street, Clayton Street and Glasgow Street.

“The raised crossing will also be lit.

“The raised crossings are very effective and improve pedestrian safety by forcing drivers to slow down, especially those turning into Russell Street.

“A raised crossing was recently installed at Sydney Street (entrance to the Saltwater Creek Road Landfill) as part of a footpath project to improve safety of children heading to St Helens State School.

“While nine trees and shrubs will have be removed; 13 will be saved and 14 new Tuckeroo trees will be planted.”

The work, to be undertaken by local company Grand Civil, is scheduled to start today and be completed by the end of December, weather permitting.