Parklets Program

Fraser Coast Regional Council’s Parklets Program supports eligible hospitality businesses to convert car parking bays into outdoor dining areas.

Parklets can increase foot traffic for businesses, create a sense of place and vibrancy in the community and encourage people to stay longer in an area.

Parklets activate areas, providing more opportunities for outdoor dining and a place for pedestrians to sit and relax.

Council has a Parklets Policy and Design Guidelines to assist businesses in applying to host a parklet. 

The policy outlines the eligibility requirements for a parklet, including location requirements, and responsibilities of the business (the applicant) and Council, and provides information regarding the approval process. 

The design guidelines provide information on the type of parklet, and considerations required when designing and applying for a parklet.

Council also has its own parklet which businesses can apply to trial.

Due to the complexities of each location, applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and parklet approvals will only be provided to hospitality businesses. 

Parklet Policy Design Guidelines

Parklets must meet the location requirements to be considered

Parklets may be eligible in streets with the following elements:

  • Parallel parking or angled parking
  • Straight road geometry ensuring uninterrupted line of site for drivers
  • At least 10m from an intersection (measured from the building line)
  • A speed limit of 50km/hr or less. 
  • Streets which are not State controlled roads (unless specific approval is provided by Department of Transport and Main Roads).
  • Any parklet within 20m of the departure side of a signalised intersection will be considered on a case-by-case basis

Pricing for a Parklet Permit 

Upon an approval, a five (5) year parklet approval permit is issued with specific conditions for installation and use. An annual fee of $750 per carpark is applicable to a parklet permit.

Any parklet application approval will require the applicant to fully fund the construction and hosting of the parklet. 

Fraser Coast hospitality businesses that meet the requirements outlined in the parklet policy and guidelines are encouraged to apply to host a parklet.

Trial a Council Owned Parket

Council is seeking proposals from local hospitality businesses in Hervey Bay and Maryborough to trial a Council owned parklet for 6 months. The trial will provide you with an understanding of the benefits and considerations for your business if you wish to purchase a parklet.

Click on the links below for more information and to download the form:

Request for Proposal Information  Appendix B Proposal Form

Applying for a parklet

Step 1 – Read our Parklet Policy and Design Guidelines

Before you apply for a parklet, please read the Parklet Policy and Design Guidelines to understand the requirements  

Parklet Policy Design Guidelines

Step 2 – Submit a parklet enquiry 

If your hospitality business is interested in hosting a parklet, please complete the below enquiry form. 


Please note: this is not an application form. Once you complete this enquiry form, a Fraser Coast Regional Council officer will contact you to discuss your proposal and the next steps to applying for a parklet.

Contact us

Businesses whom have questions or need additional information on parklets should contact Council's Economic Development Team on 1300 79 49 29 or email 

Approvals and Licences