Flood Update – 11.00am 27/2/22


Flood Update – 11am 27/2/22

***Please note this information is accurate at the time of publishing and is subject to change in the future.***

The Mary River at Maryborough and Tiaro has continued to rise overnight and is above the minor flood level in Maryborough at around 7m and the major flood level in Tiaro at nearly 17m.

Major flooding in Maryborough could go above the January level by tomorrow morning (about 10metres on Monday 28) with the potential to go as high as the 2013 flood event of 10.7metres.
If you were flooded last month or in 2013, please take action to ensure you and your family is safe, including self-evacuating if necessary.


All areas of Lenthalls Dam are now closed to the public until further notice, including the boat ramp, recreation area and campground.
The dam is currently above 100 per cent and spilling with the dam gates operating automatically.
There is a well-signed exclusion zone below the spillway to prevent people from being injured or drowned. Unfortunately, people are entering the exclusion zone and risking their lives just to go fishing. As a result, Council has had to close the dam in the interests of public safety.


Road access from Hervey Bay to Maryborough on Maryborough Hervey Bay Road is likely to be cut this afternoon/this evening. 
Alternative access is available through Howard – either through Takura and Torbanlea or the Pialba-Burrum Heads Road.
It is possible the road will be closed for several days while the water levels remain high.
Ensure you check road conditions prior to travelling.


There are more than 80 road closures and warnings listed on the Disaster Dashboard - https://disaster.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/ while further info on road and traffic conditions is available at https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/
Some Bridges accross the regional are also closed.
Residents are urged to stay off the roads, however, evacuate early if it is the safest option to manage your flood risk and remember, If it’s flooded, forget it.


  • Take the steps you need to take now. Move property and possessions to higher ground and self-evacuate as necessary.
  • Move vehicles, outdoor equipment, garbage, chemicals and poisons to higher locations.
  • Work out which indoor items you want to put in a higher spot.
  • Think about what you will do with the contents of your fridge and freezer.
  • Check your emergency kit and make plans to keep your pets safe.
  • Let friends, family and neighbours know what your plans are.
  • Those who are self-evacuating are urged to shelter with family and friends where possible while an evacuation centre is now operating at the Maryborough Senior Citizens Hall (Madcota Community Hub) at 333 Alice Street for those with nowhere else to go.
  • Don’t forget to check on your neighbours (if safe to do so) and remember pets need to be safe during severe weather events as well.


Self-serve sand bagging stations have been set up at Bunnings Maryborough, the Granville Hall and the Davies car park at 101 – 105 Bazaar Street.


Ergon advise that more than 200 homes and businesses on the Fraser Coast have had their power cut for safety reasons with details about outages available here – https://www.ergon.com.au/network/outages-and-disruptions/power-outages/outage-finder-map/
There could also be unplanned, weather-related outages in areas where access is cut by floodwaters.
If you are in a flood zone, you need to be prepared for the worst case scenario, which might mean days without power.


Some Council services have been impacted with waste facilities now closed at Granville, Boonooroo and Maryborough until further notice.
The Tinana and Yengarie waste facilities are open tomorrow (Sunday) from 12 noon to 5pm as an alternative for our Maryborough customers.
Tiaro and Maryborough Libraries are closed.
Lenthalls Dam is closed.


Residents in Granville and outlying areas need to ensure they manage their supplies as the floodwaters will take a long time to go down and they could be cut off until next Friday.
A medical centre is set up at the Granville Hockey Club, and Queensland Ambulance and Fire and Rescue Service staff are on standby. Please note this centre will be for emergencies only, not for issuing of regular medications.
A waste truck has been stationed at Granville to continue regular kerbside pickup where possible. 


For life threatening emergencies call 000.
For emergency help in storms and floods, including sandbag requests, call SES 13 25 00.
To report a council related urgent matter, call 1300 79 49 29.
For weather updates, visit the Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology website: http://www.bom.gov.au/
Register.Find.Re-unite to let people know you are safe. Use Find to look for people you know may be affected by an emergency.