Upgrade for busy Kawungan intersection
Fraser Coast motorists travelling through a busy intersection in Kawungan will have a safer and smoother journey following an upgrade to the existing roundabout.
Cr David Lee said a range of works would be carried out at the McLiver Street and Davis Drive intersection starting next month, with the current temporary roundabout to be replaced.
“With Hervey Bay growing rapidly, there is more traffic on the roads, and the intersection of McLiver Street and Davis Drive is getting particularly busy as it is near the new Bunnings store,” he said.
“The intersection upgrade will include a new permanent single-lane roundabout, the replacement of a water main, line marking, footpath alterations, pavement reconstruction, asphalt resurfacing and concrete islands.
“The new roundabout and intersection upgrade will ensure motorists are required to slow down, making it safer for those who travel through and live in this area.”
Cr Lee said Council’s workforce would start on the $800,000 project in early July, with completion expected by October this year, weather and construction conditions permitting.
“The works will require a full closure of Davis Drive for traffic entering from McLiver Street with detours to be in place,” he said.
“There will be a one-lane, two-way traffic flow in McLiver Street between Main Street and Tenimby Street under manual traffic control during the day and automated traffic lights at night.
“We apologise for the inconvenience while the upgrade is underway, and thank everyone in advance for their patience as Council works to make this important intersection safer for the community.”