Parks and gardens
- Pioneer Park
- Pleasant View Park
- Prickett Aquatic Area
- Quarry Court Park
- Queens Park
- Quota Park - Maryborough
- Quota Park - Urangan
- RA Hunter Park
- Rainbow Gully Community Garden
- Rankin Street Park
- Ray Roeder Park
- Ringtail Way Park
- River Heads Community Park
- Ron Beaton Park
- Rossendale Park
- Rotary Jubilee Park
- Rotary Queen Street Park
- RW Lupton Park
- Scarness Foreshore Park
- Schultz Park
- Seafront Oval
- Shellcot Street Park
- Sir Bruce Small Park
- Skerrit Park
- St John's Park
- St Mungo Plantation Park
- Stafford Park
- Stevenson Park
- Ted Beddows Park
- Teddington Weir
- Teebar Hall Park
- The Gables
- The Pines
- Tiaro Memorial Park
- Timbers Reserve
- Tinnanbar Foreshore Park
- Toogoom community playground
- Tooth & Hythe Park
- Traviston Park
- Truro Street Park
- Tuan Foreshore
- Webb Park
- Whiting Park
- Wilson Street Park
- Woocoo Lakes Park
- Woocoo Wildlife Reserve
- Wook-Koo Park
- Yengarie Hall Grounds