Fraser Coast CommuniTea Set Showcases - Hervey Bay


Join us to celebrate the completion of the Fraser Coast CommuniTea Set, a community art project designed to support community resilience.

The community art project was designed to reduce social isolation and support community recovery by building community resilience through connections and friendships.

Council hosted a number of community-based art workshops across the local government area from November 2024 to February 2025.

The judging panel met on 4 February 2025 to choose the artwork to go onto the tea set pieces. The selected designs have now been carefully painted onto the tea set pieces, bringing to life a visual story that reflects the diversity and spirit of our region.The completed Fraser Coast CommuniTea Set will be unveiled at two special showcase events:

Where: Hervey Bay Regional Gallery, Hervey Bay
When: Thursday 27 March, starting 4:30pm-5:00pm, finishing at 7:30p

Click here for bookings and more information

Another Showcase Event will be held at the Brolga Theatre, Maryborough on Thursday 20 March, starting 4:30pm-5:00pm, finishing at 7:30pm. Click here to find out more.

Each piece of the tea set forms part of a larger community puzzle, symbolising the connections and shared experiences of our region. We invite you to witness this remarkable collection and celebrate the artistic contributions of our local community.

For more information about the project please visit Council's Website

This project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Artworks Disclaimer - Artworks that have been created during the workshops are intended for reproduction on Fraser Coast Regional Council’s CommuniTea Set, and marketing and reporting material related to Council’s community development and engagement. By participating in the workshops, participants agree that your artwork may be edited, modified and reproduced for these purposes.

NOTE: A light supper will be provided for attendees - drinks can be purchased at attendee's expense.

CommuniTea Set Showcase Events