March Street Jetty replacement
A new floating pontoon is proposed to replace the existing March Street Jetty and adjacent gangway, which are currently closed due to damage.
The $1.1million project is being funded by the Department of Transport and Main Road’s Marine Infrastructure Capital and Maintenance Program, through the collection of recreational vessel registration fees.
It is intended that the proposed facility will be predominantly used by recreational vessels and that some limited commercial uses may also be permitted, subject to approval.;
The scope of works also include demolition of the existing jetty and gangway.
Public consultation on the draft concept plan closed 1 July 2017. Refer to ‘Milestones’ for current status.
The proposed design features include the following;
- Pontoon can be accessed through an approximately 35m long gangway. Part of this gangway will act as a fixed pedestrian bridge;
- The pontoon will have three (3) different freeboard height levels to cater for both small to larger vessel;
- The gangway will be resting on a platform fixed to the pontoon which will be 1.2m above the water level;
- This platform will continue along the pontoon for a length pontoon for 10m. The width of the platform will be 2.5m. This part of the deck has a freeboard height of 1.2m and is for berthing for larger vessel;
- The second part of the platform will be stepped down to 0.85m above water level and will continue for another 10m. This part of the deck has a freeboard height of 0.85m and is for berthing medium sized vessels. The pontoon then steps down to the concrete pontoon deck which has a freeboard height of 0.5m for small vessel berthing and will have a 3m wide deck. Both front and back sides of the pontoon can be used by smaller vessels;
- A pile will also be installed both upstream and downstream of the pontoon to assist with berthing by larger vessels;
- There will be a non-slip type ramp down to the deck level from the gangway access platform (which is 1.2m above water level);
- All sides of the pontoon will have heavy duty rubber fenders including the platforms for vessel berthing;
- Heavy duty bollards and mooring cleats will be provided at appropriate locations; and
- Lighting will be provided throughout the pontoon and gangway for pedestrian access standards using mains power.
TIMEFRAMES DATE STATUS Grant funding announcement 9 February 2017 Completed Deed of agreement executed 15 February 2017 Completed Concept design public consultation completed Completed Concept design and specification completed 22 December 2017 Completed Environmental and development approval obtained 19 September 2017 Completed Tenders invited September 2018 Completed Tenders close Mid-October 2018 Completed Tender assessment 3-4 weeks Completed Tender awarded November 2018 Completed Construction started March 2019 Completed Construction completed July 2019 Completed Note: Project timeframes are subject to contract and weather and may change.