Local Law 7 - Waste Management

Local Law 7 - Waste Management (PDF,78.2kB) applies across the Fraser Coast region being originally gazetted on 13 April 2018 with amendments adopted by Council on 28 June 2023 and commencing on 7 July 2023.

The purpose and general effect of the local law is to protect the public health, safety and amenity related to waste management by -

  1. Regulating the storage, servicing and removal of waste; 
  2. Regulating the disposal of waste at waste facilities; 
  3. Ensuring that an act or omission does not result in:
    1. harm to human health or safety or personal injury;
    2. property damage or loss of amenity; or
    3. environmental harm or environmental nuisance.

Obtaining copies

Copies of the local and subordinate laws can be obtained from Council's administration centres, 77 Tavistock Street, Torquay or 211-213 Adelaide Street, Maryborough.  They can also be downloaded from our website at https://www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/local-laws.

Downloadable copies

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