Pulgul Sewage Treatment Plant
Council has started a five-year program to ensure there is sufficient sewage treatment capacity to cater for the region’s population growth.
A technical investigation of options to increase capacity of the city’s existing treatment plants has been undertaken. This investigation considered expansion to the city’s effluent reuse scheme and augmentation of the outfall from Pulgul STP.
The option analysis by internal and external experts assessed each option against technical risk, asset resilience and longevity, environment, community, social, safety and value for money.
The report considered;
- the latest technology to reduce the environmental impact;
- the environmental outcome of the existing discharge; and
- the expansion of the region’s renowned effluent reuse scheme.
Investigations have covered planning aspects of the project. View the reports here:
- Stakeholder Engagement (PDF)
- Site Selection Report (PDF)
After the technical report, community consultation occurred to inform the community about the various options and seek their views.
Additional information on the community consultation and the feedback results can be found here.
The next steps include development of a recycled water and nutrient management strategy and engagement with regulatory agencies as well as development of concept designs.
Following Community Consultation, Fraser Coast Regional Council resolved to:
- Upgrade Pulgul STP
- Replace the existing ocean outfall with a new one offshore from the Marina
- Develop a Recycled Water Strategy
Click on the link below to download the fact sheet:
Pulgul Sewage Treatment Plant Major Upgrade Works Fact Sheet
To increase treatment capacity by an additional 4,800,000 litres per day to treat the sewage generated by the additional 10,000 equivalent dwellings.
- Site Selection Study (PDF) – Consultants KBR were engaged to undertake a study that identified the issues and opportunities that exist at existing treatment sites as well as the management of effluent. A report summarising the outcomes and recommended option was tabled at Council’s October 2018 Ordinary Meeting.
- Stakeholder Engagement – Was undertaken in accordance with the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy tabled at Council’s October 2018 Ordinary Meeting.
- Recycled Water Strategy - Development of a recycled water strategy taking into consideration that beneficial reuse is the most desirable option for recycled water and that nutrient discharge amounts are limited.
- Concept Design – Preparation of concept designs for the project. These concept designs will support the applications for statutory approvals for the project.
- Detailed Design – The detailed design will provide the necessary documentation to prepare tender documents for the physical delivery of the works.
- Procurement – The procurement phase will involve the invitation to tender for the construction phase.
- Construction – the physical construction and commissioning of the necessary civil, mechanical, electrical, and control systems required to deliver the scope of the project.
TIMEFRAMES DATE STATUS Community consultation Completed Completed Review community feedback on site selection Completed Completed Recycle Water Strategy April 2020/June 2021 Not commenced Concept design and approvals July 2021/June 2022 Not commenced Detailed Design June 2022/Jun 2023 Not commenced Construction and Commissioning July 2023/June 2025
Not commenced
Note: Project timeframes are high level estimates and will change as the project scope is refined
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