Local Law 3 - Community and Environment Management

Local Law 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011 (PDF,96kB) and Subordinate Local Law 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011 (PDF,1.8MB) apply across the Fraser Coast region and were adopted by Council on 28 June 2023, and commenced on 7 July 2023.

This law protects the environment, and public health, safety and amenity of the community within the local government area.

This is achieved by providing for the elimination or reduction of risks and threats resulting from:

  • Inadequate protection against animal and plant pests
  • Vegetation overgrowth
  • Visual pollution resulting from the accumulation of objects and materials
  • Fires and fire hazards not regulated by State law
  • Community safety hazards
  • Shopping trolleys at places outside shopping centre precincts
  • Graffiti on buildings or other structures
  • A failure to maintain building appearances  

The following fact sheets have been created to complement Local Law 3

Obtaining copies

Copies of the local and subordinate laws can be purchased from Council's administration centres, 77 Tavistock Street, Torquay or 211-213 Adelaide Street, Maryborough.  They can also be downloaded from our website at https://www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/local-laws.

Downloadable copies

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