Local Law 6 - Bathing Reserves

Local Law No. 6 (Bathing Reserves) 2011 (PDF,147kB) and Subordinate Local Law No. 6 (Bathing Reserves) 2011 (PDF,70kB) apply across the Fraser Coast region with the most recent versions of both laws being gazetted on 4 August 2023.  These local laws were originally gazetted on 14 February 2014 and have been amended over time.  These amendments are consolidated into an updated version to make them clear and easy to use. 

This law provides control measures to enhance the public safety and convenience within bathing reserves under the control of the local government through management and regulation of activities within these reserves.

The Bathing Reserves local laws deals with the establishment of bathing areas and the conduct of activities within the bathing areas and reserves, including:

  • The designation and management of safe, supervised bathing areas within bathing reserves
  • The regulation of conduct and the use of aquatic equipment within bathing reserves
  • The assignment of responsibility to life-saving clubs for managing, patrolling and supervising bathing reserves
  • The appointment and powers of authorised persons to manage
  • Enforce the regulation of conduct within bathing reserves.

In the Fraser Coast region, the use of motorised aquatic equipment, including boats and jet-skis, is prohibited within 50 metres of a bathing area in a bathing reserve.   The Bathing Reserve Map below shows the region’s gazetted bathing reserves.  The Restricted Aquatic Equipment for Bathing Reserves Map below outlines the areas within our bathing reserves where motorised aquatic equipment is prohibited.

Obtaining copies

Copies of the local and subordinate laws can be obtained from Council's administration centres, 77 Tavistock Street, Torquay or 211-213 Adelaide Street, Maryborough.  They can also be downloaded from our website at https://www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/local-laws.

Downloadable copies

# Name Size File Type Download

Bathing Reserves

Restricted Equipment for Bathing Reserves

Local Laws