Have your say on open space on the Fraser Coast


Anzac park

Fraser Coast residents and local sporting clubs are encouraged to have their say on how open space such as parks, playgrounds and sporting fields are planned, managed and developed into the future.

Cr Jade Wellings said Council was developing an Open Space Strategy to provide a community vision for the improvement of open space on the Fraser Coast.

“Open space is land set aside for public recreation and can include recreation parks and playgrounds, sports fields and courts, dog off leash areas, and green corridors with pathways or trails,” she said.

“Open spaces are significant public assets that contribute to liveable and sustainable communities, providing numerous social, health, economic and environmental benefits.

“The Fraser Coast Open Space Strategy will aim to translate the community’s values and vision for open space into a guiding document to lead Council’s planning, management, future works program and open space resourcing as our population continues to grow.”

Cr Wellings said a dedicated project page had been set up on Council’s Engagement Hub website - with surveys now open for both residents and community clubs.

“The community survey is open to all Fraser Coast residents and the community clubs survey is specific to clubs and organisations that use open spaces such as sport fields, courts and parks,” she said.

“Council is determined to ensure we preserve the unique environment and lifestyle we all enjoy on the Fraser Coast, and this Strategy will help us to achieve that goal.

“The surveys only take a few minutes to complete so I encourage everyone to get involved and have their say about open space on the Fraser Coast.”

The surveys are open now and close 20 November 2020.