Council endorses Poona Community Infrastructure Plan



A new boat ramp, foreshore upgrades, walking trails and green waste transfer stations are among the priority projects identified in the Poona Community Infrastructure Plan.

At its meeting this week, Fraser Coast Regional Council adopted the plan, which outlines the community’s priorities and vision for Poona.

“The plan is the culmination of a large body of community engagement,” Cr Daniel Sanderson said.

“There was significant input from the Poona Community Progress Association, residents, Council officers and staff from various government departments.

“The plan outlines a number of projects ranging from developing a network of walking trails, a communal green waste collection area to create mulch for the community to a community bus driven by volunteers.

“We can now start allocating funds to the various projects in future Council budgets or engaging with the Queensland Government to become involved in projects.”

Individual projects range from small pathway projects of $20,000 to a new boat ramp on Poona Creek, which will require State Government funding and approval.

“I commend the Poona community for the time and effort they have invested in developing the plan and articulating the vision they have for the future of their community,” Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said.

“The development of this plan has set the benchmark for Council as we develop community infrastructure plans for our smaller communities.”

More information is available at