All kerbside bin collection services are continuing as usual on the Fraser Coast.

Sports Precinct to become home of Hervey Bay basketball


The Fraser Coast Sports and Recreation Precinct is set to become the new home of Hervey Bay basketball.

At its meeting yesterday (Wednesday, March 24), Fraser Coast Regional Council agreed to negotiate a 20-year lease for land at the precinct so the Hervey Bay Basketball Association can build a new home.

“The expansion of gymnastics at the Hervey Bay PCYC has been the catalyst for the basketball association to strike out on its own and find a new home,” Cr Daniel Sanderson said.

“The signing of a $1 a year long-term lease for land at the sports precinct enables the association to apply for grants and loans to build their new home.”

Cr Wellings said the basketball facility could help stimulate the development of a proposed indoor multi-sport facility at the sports precinct.

“The basketball stadium will attract more attention to the precinct from other groups looking for space,” she said.

“The need for a multi-sport facility will be canvassed as part of the development of the master plan for Stage 2 of the sport and rec precinct.

“The new basketball stadium will also stimulate the growth of basketball on the Fraser Coast and help the association to attract major events to the region.”

Cr Wellings said the Fraser Coast Sports and Recreation Precinct continues to go from strength to strength with the new facilities being embraced by local netball, football and OzTag players, as well as cyclists, since it opened two years ago.

“The completion of stage one of the sports precinct was a significant milestone, but it’s also the first step in a long journey. This precinct will grow as our community grows,” she said.

“It’s an investment for now and it’s an investment for the future of sport and recreation on the Fraser Coast.”