Pialba Town Centre Competition winners announced


Pialba Maser plan winner

Teresa Saunders from Pialba and Robbie Weger, 9, from Torquay have been announced as winners of the Pialba Town Centre Master Plan Competition that aimed to get more people involved in the planning process.

Deputy Mayor Darren Everard said that as part of Council’s Pialba Town Centre Master Plan project, $500 pre-paid VISA cards were offered as prizes in two categories – Senior (over 18 years of age) and Junior (under 18 years of age).

The Senior category winner was chosen at random from people who completed an online survey. Junior category entrants were judged by Cr Everard and Cr Wellings on illustrations that depicted how they would like to see the town centre look in the future.

“We had a fantastic response with about 500 people entering the competition,” Cr Darren Everard said.

“It was great to see so many people get involved in this type of project, particularly the younger ones because it’s mainly about these guys.

Cr Jade Wellings said the project was about building a ‘Hervey Bay for the future’ and Robbie would be part of that future.

“Robbie has identified that our Pialba town centre is currently old, slow and busy,” she said.  

“His winning drawing shows that he would like to make our town centre fun and more modern.

“He has put in so many trees and more shops, as well as a bike track, so he has considered active travel.

“Robbie has also put some car parking in, so he has also considered that maybe everyone may not want to take a bike or walk.”

Robbie, a Kawungan State School student, said he entered the competition because he thought the Pialba Town Centre needed to be more exciting and fun.

“I drew a bike track because we need exercise, and some shops and lots of car parks for people who need to drive and don’t ride bikes.”

When asked what he would buy with his $500 pre-paid VISA card, Robbie said: “I don’t know. I’ll figure that out later.”

Possibilities, with his mother Selina Weger’s approval, include iPhone games and football boots for the new season starting soon.

“And I’m going to share some money with Lucas (7). He is my brother and did a drawing as well.”

Selina said her family was “super excited” about Robbie winning the Junior competition.

“Thank you so much to everyone involved in organising the competition.”

Senior category winner Teresa Saunders thanked Council and the Australian Government for the opportunity to complete the online survey, which aims to provide guidance on what the future city heart might look like.

“As a Pialba resident, I’m very interested in any plans that will continue to improve the idyllic lifestyle we enjoy here on the Fraser Coast,” she said.

Teresa also is yet to decide how she will spend her $500 pre-paid VISA card.

Cr Everard said Council was partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to breathe new life and opportunities into the Pialba Town Centre.

“Starting with the master plan, Council is looking to the community to share their vision and ideas for what a future city heart might look like,” he said.

“The new master plan will be a critical decision-making tool and plan for Hervey Bay’s future, which is why we are seeking input and insights from the community and key stakeholders.”

Council is also working with master planning experts Place Design Group to develop the plan and conduct community consultation.

Tony Dickson, Principal Urban Design at Place Design Group, and lead consultant for the Pialba Town Centre Master Plan project, said community input would help build a strong picture for how the master plan dealt with the region’s growth.

“Everyone’s connection with the region’s centre will be different, and we need to know what those connections are so we can ensure the master plan has the right mix, identity and amenity to best serve the community across the short, medium and long-term,” he said.

The Hinkler Regional Deal for the Bundaberg–Hervey Bay region is an Australian Government initiative and is being delivered in partnership with the local councils to build on the area’s strengths and provide economic growth and long-term employment opportunities.

For more on the Hinkler Regional Deal, visit www.regional.gov.au/regional/deals/Hinkler.aspx

For more information on the Pialba Town Centre Revitalisation and the master plan project, visit https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/pialba-revitalisation