Lower speed limits sought for Urangan streets


Fraser Coast Regional Council will lobby to have the speed limit in sections of three Urangan streets lowered to 50km/h.

The move follows a review of the speed limits in response to a petition to lower the speed limit in Pulgul Street between Boat Harbour Drive and Kent Street.

The Council review indicated that if the speed was lowered in Pulgul Street, it should also be lowered in sections of King Street and Kent Street.

The results of the review will now be presented to the Speed Management Committee, which includes representatives from the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Transport and Main Roads, for consideration.

The proposed speed limits are:

  • Pulgul Street, Boat Harbour Drive to Kent Street, 50km/hr;
  • King Street, Kent Street to Elizabeth Street, 50km/hr, and;
  • Kent Street, Short Street to Pulgul Street, 50km/hr.