Abusive behaviour toward Council staff ‘won’t be tolerated’


A Fraser Coast man has been fined $300 after a “persistent attack” of a Council employee.

The Hervey Bay resident pleaded guilty to the public nuisance charge at Hervey Bay Magistrates court this week.

The court heard how the man verbally abused and threatened the Fraser Coast Regional Council Community Ranger, and then followed the ranger to his car raising a closed fist in his face.

The Council employee was conducting routine door knocks to ensure animal registration details were up to date when the altercation started.

Magistrate Stephen Guttridge told the man there were other ways to handle his frustrations and described it as “persistent attack”.

Fraser Coast Regional Council CEO Ken Diehm said the safety of all employees is imperative.

“I hope this sends a clear message that aggressive and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated,” he said.

“Our employees are members of the community as well and they should not be considered fair game for abuse simply because they work for the Council.

“Everyone has the right to feel safe at work and not be subjected to abuse while doing their job, regardless of where they work.”

This week’s case follows another case in December last year where a local resident was fined $750 for threatening a Council community ranger.