Contractor appointed for Tinnanbar Road upgrade


Tinnanbar 600

Fraser Coast Regional Council has awarded the $1.13 million contract to seal 1.4km of Tinnanbar Road, the main access to the seaside village fronting the Sandy Strait, to local company JAC Civil.

“The work is the first part of four stages to seal the road into Tinnanbar,” Cr Daniel Sanderson said.

“It has been a complicated process as the road made by early residents did not actually follow the road reserve.

“To fix the problem, Council negotiated with many Queensland Government departments and HQ Plantations to obtain tenure over the required road reserve area so works could go ahead.

“Now we own the road reserve we can start work to improve access for residents and visitors.

“I congratulate former Councillor Anne Maddern, and Council staff for their efforts in working through the issues so the project could go ahead.”

The project covers about 1.4km and will improve the road to Rural Collector standard with an 8m wide bitumen seal.

Funding to complete further stages will be considered as part of future budget deliberations, he said.

It is anticipated that work will start in March.