Focus to turn to recovery once floodwaters subside



While major flooding is expected to continue in Maryborough all day today, Fraser Coast Regional Council is turning its attention to helping the community recover in coming days and weeks.

Mayor George Seymour said the Mary River in Maryborough had peaked at 10.3m overnight but would stay above the major level of 9m today before falling below the moderate and minor flood levels tomorrow (Wednesday).

“While the water levels are high, we need everyone to stay out of the flood zone. Please be patient and do not try to go into flood affected homes and businesses until it is safe,” he said.

“Council will closely monitor flood levels, progressively take down the levee wall and remove sandbags today. All current road closures will stay in effect with vehicle and pedestrian movement in the Maryborough CBD restricted. We will open up CBD streets as soon as we can.

“While the worst has passed, this is not over yet. It may not be until Thursday or even Friday that the Granville and Lamington Bridges can reopen as it depends on how quickly the floodwaters subside, and the need for damage assessments and safety inspections.

“We thank the community in advance for their patience and understanding as we move into the recovery phase in coming days and weeks.”

Cr Seymour said people wanting to help with the flood recovery were encouraged to reach out directly to affected friends, families or businesses or register as a volunteer with Volunteering Queensland -

“If you do help with the clean-up, please remember to stay safe and wear appropriate clothing and Personal Protective Equipment as there are many soil and water-borne bugs stirred up in floods that can infect people as they clean up,” he said.

“Donations of quality goods for families in need are always well received at your local community run Op Shop while people wishing to donate funds or goods are encouraged to go to”

Key activities in the recovery process will include:

  • The Rural Fire Service and SES will assist with washouts of homes and businesses in the Maryborough urban area while areas outside of Maryborough needing a washout can call SES on 132 500.
  • Council will progressively reopen and clean up its facilities when possible. This includes libraries, cultural venues, parks and playgrounds and the Maryborough landfill.
  • Council will support flood affected residents and businesses throughout the Fraser Coast region with financial assistance applications when assistance becomes available from the Australian and Queensland Governments.
  • Council will offer free kerbside collection of disaster waste from flood affected areas and will place bulk bins in the Maryborough CBD for businesses to dispose of flood waste.

Cr Seymour said bulk bins would be placed at selected locations to assist affected businesses as soon as possible and in Alice Street near the Ululah Lagoon if required to assist flood affected businesses.

 “Council waste facilities are also gearing up to take disaster waste from impacted residents for free from today,” he said.

“The free bulk kerbside collection of disaster waste, which is being planned to start on Monday 7 March, will be limited to flood-affected residential areas of Maryborough to assist making homes safe, habitable, and accessible..

Cr Seymour said the current flood event had flushed more debris out of the Mary River, which will make its way on to Fraser Coast beaches for several weeks.

“Council urges people to avoid beaches affected by flood debris due to potential hazards and pollutants. Residents can report flood debris to Council through our call centres,” he said.

Visit Council’s Disaster Dashboard – - for your one stop shop of emergency information, including weather warnings, power outages, road closures, flood cameras, river heights, flood maps and more.

Visit and for road information.

For flood assistance, please contact the State Emergency Service on 132 500. For Council-related matters, please contact 1300 79 49 29.