Free kerbside collection for flood affected residents


Flood waste

A kerbside collection of flood debris and flood-damaged items will commence on Monday 7 March in high-priority flood-affected residential areas of Maryborough to assist resident to make their homes safe, habitable, and accessible.

Bulk bins will be placed in the CBD from today (Wednesday 2 March), depending on when it is safe to access the CBD.

Council waste facilities are also gearing up to take disaster waste from residents for free from Tuesday 1 March.

Waste placed on footpaths in areas not subject to flooding will not be collected and should be disposed of at one of Council’s Waste Facilities. 

Waste not created by the flood which has been placed on the kerbside will be considered as illegal dumping and fines may apply.

To assist in the collection process, waste should be placed neatly and separated rather than lumped in a pile of mixed items.

Items can be separated into the following categories:

  • Garden organics
  • Scrap Metal and white goods
  • Mattresses
  • Furniture and general household items
  • Electronic waste
  • Concrete, bricks and masonry
  • General demolition waste
  • No asbestos containing materials should be placed on the footpath for collection.

Disaster waste will be able to be taken to:

  • Tinana Waste Facility
  • Aramara Waste Facility
  • Yengarie Waste Facility
  • Bauple Waste Facility
  • Boonooroo Waste Facility 
  • Granville Waste Facility 
  • Maryborough Landfill Facility 

Granville and Boonooroo waste facilities will open as per their usual operating hours from Friday 4 March 2022.

Standard fees and charges apply at Council’s other waste facilities.

Spoiled or spoilable food waste should be placed in the general waste wheelie bin (red lid) and placed to the kerbside for normal collection.

If you require an extra bin service (recycling or general waste) for rubbish that is a result of the recent flood event, please contact Fraser Coast Regional Council on 1300 79 49 29.

Properties from within the flood affected areas will receive this service free of charge.

If your bin is missing or damaged from the recent flood event, please contact Fraser Coast Regional Council on 1300 79 49 29 to have your bin repaired or replaced.

As water levels drop Council staff are inspecting flood-affected areas to develop clean-up plans.


Wheelie bin collections will be carried out as usual where access is unrestricted.

Granville residents will have their bin serviced today (Wednesday 2 March) as per their usual collection day, where access permits.

Due to road closures associated with the current flooding, wheelie bin collections for Bidwill and coastal areas of Maaroom, Boonooroo, Tuan, Poona and Tinnanbar will be conducted on Saturday 05 March 2022, where access permits.

If your bin has not been serviced due to access restrictions during the flood, please leave your bin out for collection until Saturday 5 March 2022 for the contractor to return once your area is accessible. Should your bin remain un-serviced after Saturday 5 March, please contact Council to arrange a collection.