Tiaro residents help create plan for the future
New and upgraded recreation and community facilities, especially along the Mary River and promoting Tiaro as a ‘stop, stretch and refresh point’ are encapsulated in the Tiaro Community Plan – a blueprint for the future development of the hinterland township.
The plan, developed by the Tiaro Community Working Group, with input from the wider Tiaro community and the Fraser Coast Regional Council, will guide the future priorities for the economic and social development of Tiaro, Councillor Phil Truscott said.
“The development of the plan started in 2020 with the formation of the Tiaro Community Plan Working Group. The group also worked with the Department of Transport and Main Roads on the Bruce Highway bypass of Tiaro,” Cr Truscott said.
“Following a series of workshops, meetings, community survey and business workshop, the community plan was prepared.
“It includes a range of Signature Projects that the community can develop to drive the economic and social potential of Tiaro.
“It will also help Tiaro contend with the Bruce Highway bypassing the town.”
The visions and projects identified during community feedback included:
- Improving access to the Mary River at Petrie Park;
- New or upgraded recreation and community facilities;
- The Tiaro Trail Network;
- A calendar of festivals and events and branding of local produce;
- A Tiaro business improvement and marketing campaign;
- Tiaro online; and
- New “Heartland” campaign.
Using the feedback, the committee developed a number of Signature Projects including:
- Mary River Turtle Tourism/Education Centre;
- Turtle habitat/Mary River viewing platform at the end of Walter Street;
- Upgrades to Tiaro Recreation Grounds;
- Upgrades to Tiaro Memorial Park and enhanced linkages to the park;
- Market recreation facilities and attractions locally and online;
- Tiaro Trails Network and associated marketing collateral;
- Promoting Tiaro as a ‘stop, stretch and refresh point’ along the Bruce Highway;
- Signage on the Bruce Highway to encourage travellers to pull into Tiaro;
- Development of Tourism collateral, online marketing of local products and dedicated social media presence.
“Given the enthusiastic community support and feedback during the preparation of the plan, I believe Tiaro will continue to develop into the future,” Cr Truscott said.
“The plan gives Council and the community a roadmap to guide us when considering projects to pursue and when applying for grant funds.”
The Tiaro Community Plan can be viewed online at www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/publications