Grants available to help conserve historic buildings


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Grants of up to $10,000 are available for owners of heritage properties to conserve and enhance their properties and streetscapes under the 2022/23 round of the Fraser Coast Heritage and Character Incentives Scheme.

Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said the scheme encouraged the conservation, maintenance and enhancement of historic buildings and places across the region.

“The Fraser Coast is steeped in history, and we should do everything we can to preserve it,” he said.

“The grants are a co-contribution with Council matching the applicant dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $10,000 to undertake works to preserve or enhance our heritage and character buildings and sites.” 

The scheme applies to properties across the Fraser Coast that are on the Local Heritage Register, or selected commercial character buildings in the Maryborough and Howard CBDs.

“Council is very focussed on the conservation of local heritage and character,” Cr Seymour said.

“Our historic buildings, places and streetscapes set us apart from other cities and destinations, and they have shaped our sense of identity.”

Works covered by the scheme include conservation or restoration projects, painting, urgent remedial works, reversing unsympathetic alterations and preparing Conservation Management Plans to support development applications.

The 2022/23 round is now open and closes 14 October 2022. 

The opening of the 2022/23 round of heritage grants follows Council’s recent decision to adopt a Refurbishment Concession Policy for property owners of heritage and other significant buildings.

Under the policy, Council can provide concessions of up to 100 per cent for waste and water charges, and general rates if a property owner needs to close a heritage or significant building for refurbishment.

Applications can be lodged with Council at any time and will be assessed by a Refurbishment Concession Assessment Panel.