Have your say on how pests and weeds are managed


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Fraser Coast residents are encouraged to have a say on a draft plan designed to help protect the region from plant and animal pests and diseases.

Cr Denis Chapman said the draft Fraser Coast Biosecurity Plan helped Council and landholders to protect the region from pests such as Giant Rats Tail Grass, feral pigs and wild dogs.

“The Biosecurity Plan is reviewed every five years to ensure that it is focussing on identified threats and reflects community aspirations to ensure resources are targeted at the highest priority pest management activities,” he said.

“Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility.

“Our Fraser Coast management plan depends largely on co-operation between Council, state government agencies, community groups, landholders and residents.

“While Council is responsible to control pest plants and feral animals on its road networks and reserves, we also help co-ordinate programs with state government departments and landowners to manage weeds and feral animals.

“We encourage residents to report the presence of feral animals to Council so that maps of feral populations can be developed, and control programs planned.

“Involving as many neighbouring properties as possible in a control program at one time improves the effectiveness of the program.”

In the past financial year, 132 landowners booked and used the Council spray trailer to control pest weeds; there were 80 bookings from residents for traps to target Indian Myna birds and 57 bookings for traps to combat feral cats/dogs and pigs.

The Public Health and Biosecurity Team also heads up Council’s mosquito control program under which 2,700 hectares was treated with larvicide over the past 12 months to help protect the Fraser Coast community from mosquitoes and the associated public health risks.

The draft Biosecurity Plan 2022-2027 is available to review on Council’s Engagement Hub website - https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/biosecurity-plan-review along with fact sheets, and frequently asked questions and answers.

Fraser Coast residents can have a say on the draft Biosecurity Plan by taking a short online survey which opens today (Monday 29 August) and closes on Sunday 25 September 2022.