Council looking to activate public spaces


Maryborough market day 600

The CBDs across the Fraser Coast should be active vibrant centres that are destinations, not just commercial centres, Cr Daniel Sanderson said.

Fraser Coast Regional Council is about to investigate opportunities to encourage more use of public spaces across the region, such as community events or unique activations.

“Our CBDs should be happening places full of action where people want to go to have fun not just because they have to go to the shops or see their accountant,” Cr Sanderson said.

“We’re always looking at new things, such as activating alleyways or open public spaces, to encourage activity.

“Imagine a food fiesta in an alleyway, or a pop-up fashion show or concert in areas currently not used to their full capacity across the region.

“Our population is growing so there are more people looking for things to do - whether that is new places to dine or foods to taste; places to visit; they want to be entertained.

“These events would also add to the visitor experience and attract tourists.”

Council will investigate a trial of Council and privately (community led) organised activities to get the ball rolling this financial year to gauge interest in the concept.

“Activating public spaces has many benefits,” Cr Sanderson said.

“They help build a sense of community, boost economic activity and create jobs.”

The next step is to form a workgroup which will include Council’s Events, Grants and Economic Development teams with community members (such as the Maryborough, Hervey Bay and Tiaro chambers of commerce and progress associations).

“There is a lot of information from other cities and towns that we can use to guide us,” Cr Sanderson said.

“From there we will have information sessions to outline the types of activations that could be trialled and gauge community and business support.

“I hope we will be able to facilitate one or two CBD activations as part of the trial.

“That will give us some information on what resources Council would need to set aside for future projects.”