Shade and bush tucker on Rail Trail


Avenue of trees to shade Urraween section of Mary to Rail Trail
People using a section of the Mary to Bay Rail Trail at Urraween in Hervey Bay will be able to eat bush tucker as well as stay cool.

The project to plant an avenue of trees along the section of Rail Trail beside Urraween Road is part of the Fraser Coast Regional Council Greening the Fraser Coast Strategy.

“As part of our Greening the Fraser Coast Strategy, Council is committed to planting 100,000 trees by 2030,” Councillor Paul Truscott said.

“This avenue of Eumundi quandong and Fraser Island apple trees planted by Council’s Natural Environment Team, will have a number of benefits.

“It will provide shade for people using the trail, bush tucker for people and animals, habitat for native animals and lower heat in urban areas as well as enhancing stormwater management and water quality.”

Council has used satellite images to develop heat maps of the Fraser Coast,” Cr Truscott said.

“Planting trees in urban areas can help reduce heat, providing cooler environments.

“A recent study in Sydney by Doctors for the Environment Australia showed that streets with tree cover were up to 20 degrees cooler than neighbouring streets where there was no tree cover.

“Council intends to use the heat maps to guide its street tree and urban forest planting program.

“Reducing heat islands benefits the whole of the Fraser Coast.”

Since January 2019, when Council adopted the target to plant 100,000 trees by 2030 about 55,000 trees have been planted within road verges, drainage lines, parkland areas, water reuse plantations and community revegetation sites.

The Urraween planting consists of 72 Eumundi quandong (Elaeocarpus eumundii) along the Urraween Road corridor, and 20 Fraser Island apple (Achronychia imperforata) planted along the smaller pathways leading into the park area nearby.

The Eumundi quandong is a slow growing evergreen species from Queensland and NSW rainforest areas, with attractive glossy dark green foliage and bronze coloured new growth.

During November to December, it produces delicate sweet-scented cream-coloured flowers which attract birds.

After flowering, small deep blue fruits appear.

The Fraser Island apple (found on the island as well as along the coast from NSW to northern Queensland) is an unusual native evergreen tree with dark glossy leaves, cream summer blossom, and clusters of golden mini berries.

Its fruits are bright yellow, sometimes resembling Lilly pilly fruits in shape and size.  

Fraser Island apple is much loved by birds and will attract the blue tiger butterfly.

The Fraser Coast Regional Council is committed to building better communities by maintaining our unique natural environment and lifestyle.

In January 2019, Council passed a motion to plant 100,000 trees by 2030. 

Trees absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen, improve air quality, conserve water, preserve soil and support wildlife.

Planting 100,000 trees will provide environmental benefits and make our region a more attractive place to reside and visit.

A running tally of trees planted is posted on the Council webpage