Torquay road set for major upgrade


Road upgrade in Torquay

A busy road in Torquay is set for a major upgrade to make it safer and smoother.

Fraser Coast Regional Councillor David Lee said the first stage of major works in Denmans Camp Road between Boat Harbour Drive and Torquay Road started this week with an aging water main underneath the road to be replaced.

“Council is focussed on planning for and providing high-quality public infrastructure to keep pace with growth,” he said.

“This road is already one of the busiest in the Bay and will only get busier as more people realise the Fraser Coast is one of the best places in the world to live, work and play.

“The road upgrade will be done in three stages: starting with the water main replacement, then the relocation of existing gas lines, and then a full road reconstruction.

“The water main is currently underneath the road and will be moved to below the footpath alongside the road.

“The replacement of the water main is expected to take about three months, pending the weather and availability of materials.

“There will be traffic control in place but the intention is to keep the road open in both directions when no work is happening, for example, at night and on the weekends.

“We thank everyone in advance for their patience while this important work occurs.”

The gas line relocation and road reconstruction works are scheduled for 2024, with design work underway now.

Cr Lee said a new footpath between Boat Harbour Drive and Gordon Street on the eastern side of Denmans Camp Road would be built in 2024 after the road reconstruction was completed.

“The local community has been asking for a footpath in this area for many years, and I am pleased that it will be going ahead as part of this important project,” he said.