Yengarie Hall ground facilities get a facelift


Yengarie Hall

The facilities at the Yengarie Hall grounds are getting a facelift with the toilet, shelter floor, barbecue and picnic setting to be replaced.

Fraser Coast Regional Councillor James Hansen said work to replace the facilities on Mungar Road was starting this week and was due to be completed by mid-December.

“The Yengarie Hall grounds are an important community space with a family-friendly park for locals and visitors to enjoy,” he said.

“The park assets being replaced service the community hall, the Rural Fire Service Facility, the tennis court and the playground located within the grounds.

“The changes include replacing the brick barbecue with a contemporary stainless-steel barbecue and ensuring the toilet, seating and pathways are disability and construction code-compliant.  A new accessible car park will also be constructed.

“Council is committed to effectively managing and maintaining our assets, and ensuring we have connected, inclusive communities and spaces, and that’s what this park upgrade is all about.”