Funding boost for Mary to Bay Rail Trail


Mary to Bay Rail Trail - Photo by Bob Webley

The Fraser Coast Bicycle User Group will receive a $30,000 boost to continue their on-the-ground work activating the Mary to Bay Rail Trail, which stretches from Maryborough to the Urangan Pier following a disused rail line.

Fraser Coast Regional Council Director of Strategy, Community and Development Gerard Carlyon said Council was working with the Mary to Bay Rail Trail Advisory Committee and the Queensland Government to advance the trail.

“Rail trails across Australia are growing in popularity, particularly with cyclists, and can be a tourism drawcard,” he said.

“Developing the trail between Hervey Bay and Maryborough will provide a safe link between the two cities for cyclists, walkers, runners and horse riders, with the work that has already been done being warmly welcomed by those using the trail.”

Mr Carlyon said the Fraser Coast Bicycle User Group (FCBUG) had successfully obtained a permit through the Department of Transport and Main Roads to construct an additional 11km of trail from Takura to Colton Mine, which opened in August last year.

“FCBUG is seeking support to develop and maintain this section and potentially future sections of the trail, with the Council funds to be used to install a shelter and improve the carpark area at the Churchill Mine Trailhead,” he said.

“Council also provided $20,000 in 2023/24 to improve six bridge bypass ramps, and this additional funding will help FCBUG  improve the entry and exit points.”

At its meeting this month, Council resolved to list for consideration in the 2024/25 budget the funding of a three-year agreement with FCBUG for $25,000 per year from general revenue for the continued development and maintenance of the Mary to Bay Rail Trail.

Council also considered a report into a possible alternative route for the Colton to Aldershot section of the trail, which is impacted by a mining lease held by New Colton Pty Ltd.

Council resolved to conduct further investigations into a possible Churchill Mines Road/Peridge Road alternative route for this section.