Emerging printmaker debuts solo exhibition in Maryborough
A must-see pop-up exhibition featuring amazing new prints from emerging artist Ruth Cho is on display now in Gatakers Creative Space in Maryborough, with local residents able to watch the artist in action in mid-June.
Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said ‘Creature Discomfort’ featured several major prints by Brisbane-based artist Ruth Cho in her first solo exhibition.
“Animals frequently appear in Ruth's works, mainly to symbolise human displacement or our strained relationship with nature,” he said.
“The exhibition showcases the convergence of Ruth’s East Asian heritage with Australian images and icons, helping expand our cultural understanding and thinking.”
Cr Seymour said Ruth would be working on new prints live in Gatakers Creative Space as part of ‘Creature Discomfort’.
“Visitors to Gatakers Creative Space have the unique opportunity to see Ruth at work between 10am and 12pm from 12 to 14 June,” he said.
“The prints Ruth creates during this time will be influenced by her residency and her interaction with the local community.”
Ruth will also lead special printmaking workshops on 15 and 16 June, where participants can create and print their designs onto silk-cut lino blocks.
The workshops, priced at $35, run from 10am to 12pm, with spaces limited. Participants should bring natural fibre items like tote bags, tea towels or t-shirts for printing.
The exhibition is free to attend and runs until 23 June. Gatakers Artspace is located at 311 Kent Street in Maryborough and is open Tuesdays to Fridays from 9.30am to 3.30pm and from 9.30am to 2pm on weekends.
More information about the exhibition and the workshops, including how to register, is available at https://gatakers.ourfrasercoast.com.au/