Fraser Coast’s CommuniTea Set unveiled


CommuniTea Set

The Fraser Coast CommuniTea Set is ready to be unveiled, with five beautifully designed tea sets celebrating the resilience, creativity and unique identities of Fraser Coast communities.

The tea sets, featuring designs inspired by themes of love, sailing boats, sea life and Indigenous symbols, were created through a series of community art workshops held across the region.

They will be on display at two special showcase events in Maryborough and Hervey Bay this month.

Fraser Coast Regional Council Communities spokesperson Michelle Govers said the project had been a powerful way to bring people together, fostering resilience and recovery through art and storytelling.

“Over the past few months, we’ve hosted nine workshops from Glenwood to Poona, where local artists have come together to create designs that capture the unique spirit and visual identity of their communities,” she said.

“From these workshops, over 50 standout designs were selected and carefully hand-painted onto tea sets.

“The images on these tea sets are very personal to the area in which the artists live, symbolising the connections and friendships that make our region stronger.”

From next week, residents can view the tea sets at two showcase events:

Cr Govers said guests attending these free events will also be treated to a light supper in celebration of the talented artists behind the project.

The Fraser Coast CommuniTea Set project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.