Gundiah students win annual garden competition

Awash with success ... students from Gundiah State School enjoy a day out at WetSide Water Park as their prize for winning the 2018 School Water and Waste Wise Garden Competition.

Finding new uses for old items as well as green thumbs paid off for students at the Gundiah State School in the 2018 School Water and Waste Wise Garden Competition.

The competition, a partnership between Council, Bunnings and QMulching, aims to increase awareness of water and recycling through gardening.

As part of the competition students used worm farms, compost and mulching to improve soil quality.

“They used a lot of water-wise plants such as succulents and vertical gardens to make the best use of water,” Cr Anne Maddern said.

“A feature was their hydroponic garden which used nutrient water from a fish tank to grow plants.

“The students collect water from leaking taps and made a lot of items from discarded items rather than sending them to landfill. There were seats made out of tyres and decoration made out of old tins.

“All of the students were very involved and were very proud to show us around the garden.”

For their efforts the students received a $250 Bunnings gift card as the first prize for Category 2 (primary school including prep) and as the overall winners a WetSide Water Park fun day.

The students will also be taken on a tour of the Material Recovery Facility so they can learn more about how recyclables are sorted.